How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?

How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?

What  insurance    carrier should i go with if I'am going to start driving at 17 with a sports car?
Are there any websites much like travel at sites where I will review the most effective prices open to me
cheap prices
"Back in June I pulled in to a fixed car in a vehicle park. I apologised immediately and waited for the dude to return. (when its your problem in life possess up) He was annoyed (reasonable enough) but proceeded to tell me that somebody else had broken into his car recently and triggered 600 worth of damage (another driver had sped off and hed previously had a for that work). I cant remember the exact text of the next touch - nevertheless it was understood that I would spend whatever it cost together with that to repair the area (bumper / part place region) We exchanged details. I told the prior destruction along with my  insurance  provider what had happened. There have been likewise images obtained during the time that I submitted on (unsure when they were truly any aid) Next I notice his  insurance  provider has approached quarry using a statement for 700. The total amount for solving his vehicle